What happens when a Bee Stings you
Bee the insect that make honey uses stinging as a means of defence mechanism. It also makes venom, which is the poison that makes bee […]
Bee the insect that make honey uses stinging as a means of defence mechanism. It also makes venom, which is the poison that makes bee […]
Genital Wart is a common Sexually transmitted Infection (STI) in the genital region of male and females. They are soft, small, painful, flesh-colored bumps or […]
Cancer is the uncontrolled cell division or proliferation, which can lead to untimely death. Cancer can spread to almost every part of the body. Some […]
Ulcer is a sore caused by a cut or break in the lining of the body. Both the external and internal lining. ulcers are named […]
The normal color of urine ranges from pale yellow to deep amber due to a pigment called urochrome and the degree to which the pee […]
Cancer is a malignant neoplasia marked by the uncontrolled growth of cells, often with invasion of healthy tissues locally or throughout the body. Cancer is […]
Toothache also known as Odontalgia is pain that occurs in the tooth, or around the tooth, gums or bone structures. Minor toothaches can come from […]
Lice plural of louse, are wingless parasites that live on human hair and feed on blood from the scalp. It is common among preschool children, […]
Depression is a mood disorder characterized by persistent sadness, anger, loss of interest in life, low morale, long-term lowering of enjoyment of life or inability […]
Urinalysis simply means analysis of urine. This is done with a person’s urine in order to identify signs of disease, infection or other issues. The […]
Akamu is a popular food for toddlers and also for everyone in Nigeria. It is known as ogi in yoruba and pap in English, akamu […]
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