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7 Daily Habits Affecting the brain
The brain is the most important organ of the body, it is the control system for all the activities that occur in the body. The […]

Assisted Reproductive Techniques and Dangers Associated
Assisted reproductive techniques are fertility treatments that helps to correct infertility problems among Couples. Couples are said to be infertile, when one full year of […]

Exercises to Reduce Calf Muscles and Thigh Fat
The calf muscle is the muscle of the leg and is made up of two muscles namely; the gastrocnemius and soleus. It is always prominent […]

Simple Lifestyle That Reduce Aging Processes
Aging is a progressive physiological changes in an organism that lead to senescence, or a decline of biological functions and of the organism’s ability to […]

Simple Exercises To Develop Six pack Abs
Exercise is any bodily activities that enhance or maintain physical fitness and overall health and wellness. It can be performed for so many reasons which […]

Daily Habits That Affects Human Immunity
Immunity is the body’s defence system. It refers to ability of the body to protect itself from the inversion of pathogens and infections.Pathogens are foreign […]

Best Brands of Sanitary Pad for Period In Nigeria
Sanitary pads as we all know is used by the female folks to absorb or trap blood during their monthly flows or any other condition […]

Surviving Harmattan In Nigeria, 5 Things You Will Need
Harmattan is a harsh season that occurs in places closer to the Sahara/Gulf of Guinea which are in the direction of the wind, between ending […]

How To Keep Away Snake From Living Homes
While some people believe that snake in homes has some benefits, its still important to keep them off as bites from venomous ones can be […]

7 Most Common Football Injuries
Football is a game enjoyed by many and is played by a team of eleven men/women on each side, with substitute up to five on […]

Common Barbing Infections in Nigeria and Prevention
Sharing of barbing gadgets and materials may lead to some common barbing infections. Infections from barbing shops happens to be one of the most common […]

Damatol the Best Hair cream for Growth and Treatment
Damatol medicated is not just seen as a good hair cream but have to be the best hair cream for hair growth and treatment. Damatol […]

Snakebite, Symptoms And First Aid Treatment For It
Incidence of Snakebite are more common in developing countries, and are seen mostly during the dry season. Snakebite can be eitherDry bite: When a snake […]

Poverty And Mental Health In Nigeria, Effects And Solution
The economic situation of the country is such that the larger population of Nigerians struggle to feed well, let alone stay comfortable and save. It […]

Normal Range for Urinalysis and Colour Significances
Urinalysis simply means analysis of urine. This is done with a person’s urine in order to identify signs of disease, infection or other issues. The […]

“Mkpuru Mmiri” The Dangerous Hard Drug And Side Effects
Mkpuru mmiri also called Methamphetamine consumption in African has become a thing of concern as many youths gets wasted on daily basis due to addiction. […]

Things You Should Know About Depression As A Nigerian
Depression is a mood disorder characterized by persistent sadness, anger, loss of interest in life, low morale, long-term lowering of enjoyment of life or inability […]

10 Wonderful Benefits Of Papaya (Pawpaw) To The Body
Papaya, popularly known as pawpaw, is a sweet-tasting fruit with several health benefits. Just like many other fruits, Papaya is very rich in vitamin A, […]

Bedbugs, How To Eradicated Them In Nigeria
Bedbug has always been a thing of concern, especially in the rural areas where hiding places are many and also places where people come in […]

Tumeric, Health Benefits And Side Effects
Tumeric intake has been on the rise lately as the  ancient golden-yellow spice can be used for so many reasons. It can be used for […]